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Eggs-actly, Mr Corbyn

Continuing a long British tradition of political protest, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn was 'egged' on Sunday.
A man described in news reports as a “pro-Brexit protester” caught up with 'Jezza' outside the Finsbury Park Mosque and slapped a raw egg down on his head, with the words: “When you vote, you get what you vote for.”
The protester was arrested for assault. The media was quick to assure us that the Labour leader was unharmed after his ordeal. Labour shadow home secretary Diane Abbott ramped up the hyperbole when she tweeted: “He punched Jeremy very hard. He happened to have an egg in his palm. But it could have been a knife.”
But the sticky situation Corbyn found himself in was no more than what he deserved after selling out his principals, his friends and his country twice last week in a vain attempt to appease factions in his party who want him out.
First he declared his support for a re-run of the 2016 referendum on leaving the European Union, with reversing that decision as one of the options. With around two-thirds of Labour-held or targeted constituencies voting Leave, this effectively makes Labour unelectable.
Then Corbyn hung his political ally MP Chris Williamson – a staunch defender of Brexit and Venezuela's right to national sovereignty – out to dry, over his defence of his party's position on tenuous allegations of institutional anti-Semitism.
Corbyn's double betrayal has only made things worse. Like sharks, it has given his enemies a whiff of blood and driven them into a feeding frenzy.
Despite obeying an order from Corbyn's office to make a grovelling apology for his public comments, Williamson was suspended from the Labour group of MPs within hours. The attacks on the leader and pressure for further betrayals on Brexit – including a parliamentary vote to delay leaving indefinitely or even cancel it – continue unchecked.
Even Corbyn's closest ally, shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, backs a second referendum and has hinted at joining a protest march in favour of it. Maybe he hopes to be elected leader when the imperialist, Zionist, pro-EU wing of Labour finally force Corbyn to quit.
The whole farrago has crippled Labour as a serious opposition party to the Conservative government, which now seems likely to get its treacherous Brexit-in-name-only deal through Parliament after the Tory Eurosceptics softened their opposition to the “backstop” clause that could keep us under EU rules indefinitely.
Brexit mastermind Nigel Farage has seized on this treason by the two main parties, both of which campaigned at the last election on promises to honour the Brexit vote.
Two weeks from now former UK Independence Party and current Brexit Party leader will lead a march from Sunderland, the first polling centre to declare a Leave majority in 2017, to London, arriving on the March 29 leaving date.
The march route is close to that of the 1936 Jarrow Crusade against unemployment. The organisers are playing up that analogy. The Labour Party and Trades Union Congress leaders of the day failed to support the Jarrow marchers, but local Conservative party branches often welcomed them.
Today's Labour Party and TUC bigwigs have similarly turned against their pro-Leave voters and members outside the metropolitan areas, treating them like foolish or naughty children who need a good telling-off and to make amends.
Labour has betrayed the working class many times, starting with its support for the First World War. But this time the stab in the back comes from a leader held aloft as the great white hope of the left, a true socialist, a dangerous Marxist.
Thankfully the people are smarter than politicians and media give them credit for. Fortunate, but not for Labour or Tories.
In Britain we still elect individuals to Parliament, harking back centuries to before formal political parties stood candidates. That's why the eight Labour and three Tory MPs who resigned from their parties to form the anti-Brexit “Independent Group” still hold their seats.
Perhaps it's time to return to the early days of Parliamentary democracy, like Cuba did after its 1959 revolution, and stop the big party machines from foisting their stuck-up, metropolitan media-friendly, corporate-captured candidates on our constituencies.

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